Dust-A-Side Australia Latest News

Dust-A-Side helps Pilbara iron ore operation* deliver sustainability improvements and productivity gains

Written by DAS Australia | Dec 8, 2021 5:00:00 AM

*The clients’ name has been withheld for confidentiality reasons.

Dust-A-Side Australia have been working with a Western Australian client in the Pilbara region to set up a heavy vehicle road stabilisation and dust control program over a 25km scope.

DASProduct, Dust-A-Side Australia’s mine specific bitumen emulsion product, was established into the wearing course of the haul road network. The product is an emulsion of bitumen in water, specifically designed and formulated to physically bind road materials together and suppress dust on haul roads. 

Establishing DASProduct into the wearing course layer of roads not only provides excellent dust control properties for the road, but also stabilises the wearing course layer and prevents water ingress. This approach provides an all-weather running surface to assist operations through the wet season.

The result of utilising DASProduct across the haul road network has been dramatic for the client. Wheel generated dust emissions have dropped significantly while water usage for dust suppression purposes has decreased by over 80%.  This contributed significantly to the mine’s sustainability plans for lower dependency on water and protection of local flora on the mine lease.  These targets were maintained over an 18 month project term.

Delays and stoppages to haulage also dropped significantly while productivity climbed due to improved running surfaces and less road repairs.

Furthermore, a certified road management program was set up for the client to optimise haul road maintenance, and reduce dust and haul delays.

Now is an ideal time for Western Australian mining operations to consider adopting haul road and dust control maintenance programs in order to protect productivity targets through the wet season and summer period ahead.

Talk to us about our range of flexible solutions and service support that fits with your site.